The Hem & The Haw

The Hem & The Haw


Artist: Alex Sopp

Composers: Alex Sopp

Format: 1 CD


Now Available for Pre-Order. Anticipated to ship early-mid September.

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This album came to me in a fit of stillness. I had been moving so much and for so long that I forgot that my favorite thing to do is to just sit. Sitting in stillness involves watching, waiting, listening, and observing. It involves becoming aware of the edges of things - in my case, where my body ends and the chair begins, where a bird call starts and a melody has always existed, where a cloud has always been a storm and the storm is me. When I wrote these songs, I was sitting still and looking at the sea. Yes, the actual sea, but also the sea of my childhood and the sea of my recurring dreams. In the process of writing, I’ve learned that if I look long enough, rooms that I didn’t previously have access to emerge, floating in front of me like hard working tugboats, pulling behind them all the postcards that I’ve written to myself. I’ve learned that if I listen long enough, a vine will always grow out my head and become a phone cord, connecting me to all the times I’ve wanted to tell you I love you and have held it back. - Alex Sopp

  1. The Hem & The Haw

  2. North Pole in Summer

  3. Like a Vine

  4. Ah Said Rosita

  5. Rodin’s Hands

  6. Bougainvillea

  7. Door

  8. Roses

  9. Mourning Dove

  10. Loon

Release date: October 25th, 2024
UPC: 053479703507

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Apple Music






Originally released with New Amsterdam, we’re excited to bring Alex Sopp’s The Hem & The Haw to CD on Sono Luminus.
— Sono Luminus

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