Prokofiev: Scythian Suite, Op. 20; Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring)

Prokofiev: Scythian Suite, Op. 20; Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring)


Artist: Dallas Symphony Orchestra

Conductor: Edward Mata

Composers: Prokofiev, Stravinsky

Format: 1 CD


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Scythian Suite is a stillborn ballet - a concert version of the music from Sergey Prokofiev's Ala and Lolli. It is the first work that Prokofiev composed for full symphony orchestra, and one of the most notable of many musical examples by which Prokofiev sought to challenge, if not positively stun, his public.

The ballet Le Sacre du Printemps premiered at the "Théâtre des Champs-Elysée" on May 29, 1913. (It caused a riot.) In Paris the following season, the concert performance of Le Sacre du Printemps was as spectacular a triumph as the premiére had been a dèbâcle; the Parisian audience more than redeemed itself for its manners the previous year.
- Douglas Brown ©1991

Track List

[1] The Adoration of Veles and Ala
[2] Chuzhbog and the Dance of the Evil Spirits
[3] Night
[4] The Glorious Departure of Lolli and the Procession of the Sun

LE SACRE DU PRINTEMPS (The Rite of Spring)

Premiére partie: L'adoration de la terre
(Part One: The Adoration of the Earth)
[5] Introduction
[6] Les augures printaniers - Danses des adolescentes
(The Augurs of Spring - Dances of the Young Girls)
[7] Jeu du rapt
(Ritual of Abduction)
[8] Rondes printanières
(Spring Rounds)
[9] Jeux des cités rivales
(Games of the Rival Tribes)
[10] Cortège du sage
(Procession of the Sage)
[11] L'adoration de la terre - Le Sage
(The Adoration of the Earth - The Sage)
[12] Danse de la terre
(Dance of the Earth)

Seconde partie: Le sacrifice
(Part Two: The Sacrifice)
[13] Introduction
[14] Cercles mystérieux des adolescentes
(Mystic circles of the Young Girls)
[15] Glorification de l'élue
(Glorification of the Chosen One)
[16] Evocation des ancêtres
(Evocation of the Ancestors)
[17] Action rituelle des ancêtres
(Ritual of the Ancestors)
[18] Danse sacrale - L'élue
(Sacrificial Dance - The Chosen One)

Release date: 1991

UPC: 05347901562